What’s New
The Caring Company Scheme 2021/22– Result Notification
The 1st round of result notification of Caring Company Scheme Nomination 2021/22 has been released on 9 Feb 2022. Nominees and nominators could check their nomination status via the online nomination system (click here). Corresponding notification email and the 2nd round of result will be released in late Feb 2022.
If you have any further queries, please contact us at : Tel: 2864 2966 Whatsapp: 6849 9385 Email: caringcompany@hkcss.org.hk
HSBC Living Business Awards 2021
HSBC Living Business Awards 2021 has been completed successfully. The awarded SMEs have brought impactful and innovative sustainable practices into their operation and shown impressive performance in enhancing their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performances in 2021, and also committed to addressing Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Please visit HERE for the list of SDGs Awards winning companies, and the selected SDGs of HSBC Living Business Awards 2022 and 2023.
Social Needs Update
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文章刊於《CSR Times Issue 28》
Event Snapshot
“Creating a Happy Workplace” Sharing Series, “Friendly Workplace - Community support for the on-job Caregivers”
The second seminar of the “Creating a Happy Workplace” Sharing Series, “Friendly Workplace - Community support for the on-job Caregivers” was successfully held on 4 January, 2022.
In the sharing session, community support services as well as resources for employees and on job caregivers were introduced by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres, Caritas Jockey Club Resource and Support Centre for Carers and Big Silver. The representatives from Sun Hung Kai & Co Limited and Ultra Active Technology Limited also shared their experience and best practices of how companies implement friendly measures to support their employees.
Please click here for further details.
PROcruit C Industry Forum
PROcruit C Industry Forum, initiated by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and organised by HKCSS, was successfully held on 10 December 2021. Guest speakers shared their views on the unbounded possibilities of the ESG industry. Young people with unbounded potential are very suitable for exploring career opportunities in the ESG industry, which is a Caring Profession career. It is also a concept that PROcruit C promotes.
Please click here for further details. |
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Room 1109, 11/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2864 2966 Fax: 2864 2991 Website: www.caringcompany.org.hk Email: caringcompany@hkcss.org.hk |