What’s New
The Caring Company Scheme 2021/22 – Certificate Arrangement
In view of the development of the epidemic situation, all certificates will be sent together with CSRTimes Special Edition and the Caring Company Nomination Form 2022/23 via courier to all 2021/22 awarded companies/organisations in mid Jul 2022.
Please login to the online system to confirm or update the delivery address on or before 15 Jun 2022.
Useful linkage: Caring Company nomination system | Caring Company nomination system (reset password)
If you have any further queries, please contact us at: Tel: 2864 2966 Whatsapp: 6849 9385 Email: caringcompany@hkcss.org.hk
Building Community • Building Tung Chung
Supported by Swire Trust’s TrustTomorrow Initiative, the “Building Community, Building Tung Chung” Programme has entered its 2nd year of service. In this phase, HKCSS and partnering NGOs aim to provide series of sports, play, career and social inclusion activities to Tung Chung families through the collaboration between NGOs, schools, corporates and local groups in the community.
After the 5th wave of pandemic, a variety of activities will soon be launched, including community carnival, Tung Chung cultural walk lead by ethnic minorities, new community playgrounds and career day. From individual self-development, fostering family cohesion, to enhance community induction and integration, we strive to build a trustful Tung Chung community. Please click here for more details! |
Social Needs Update
疫下發揮商界力量 推動社會可持續發展 (Chinese Only)
新冠肺炎疫情奪走了寶貴的生命和健康, 嚴重打擊各地經濟活動,改變了世界的秩序。企業作為社會的重要組成部分,在這次「疫」境之中承擔起更多的社會責任, 自覺地加緊支援社區、保障員工、關顧客戶等。這場大規模企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility)行動已歷時兩年多,如今疫情愈演愈烈,各行各業面對多重挑戰,行動亦因應情況「升級」,企業紛紛「加碼」抗疫。
文章刊於《CSR Times Issue 29》
Upcoming Event
HSBC Living Business Awards 2022 – Open for Application (Deadline: 31 July 2022)
Event Snapshot
PROcruit C
The first two cohorts of Business for Good trainees in PROcruit C have successfully completed their one-year traineeship, and the two graduation ceremonies have been held online on 23 Feb and 25 Apr 2022 respectively. Throughout the year, trainees showed continuous growth in terms of employability and competencies, while employers also speak highly of trainees’ positive work attitude and improvement. We are more than happy to know that over half number of trainees stay on the post after the completion of the traineeship. We thank for all participating companies for offering job opportunities to nurture young talent, and allowing trainees to have an in-depth understanding of the work in sustainability while the importance of performing corporate social responsibility.
Please click here to read the full article.
Market Information
Good MPF Employer Award 2021-22
The 2021-22 Good MPF Employer Award (the Award), organized by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA), is now open for applications and nominations.
The Award aims to promote and foster employer compliance with MPF legislation; encourage employers to provide better retirement benefits for their employees; and recognise employers who are exemplary in enhancing the retirement benefits of their employees. Nearly 2,500 companies and organizations have been honoured as “Good MPF Employers” since its debut in 2015.
Qualified employers should act now and apply for the Award. Employees are also welcome to nominate their employers for the Award. For more details, please visit the Good MPF Employer Award website. The deadline is 30 June.
(Content provided by The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority)
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Room 1109, 11/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2864 2966 Fax: 2864 2991 Website: www.caringcompany.org.hk Email: caringcompany@hkcss.org.hk |