What’s New
The Caring Company Scheme 2022/23 – Nomination deadline
Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit GIES 2022 – Save the date!
With support from all walks, Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) is now entering its 6th year. GIES Online Summit 2022 will be held on 13-14 October, the Summit registration has been commenced. |
Over 30 overseas speakers will be presenting and sharing their views on the application and development of gerontech, agendas including Policy Frameworks for Enabling Gerontech, Tech for Dementia & End-of-life Care, Use of Art Tech to Enhance Social Care, Overseas Experience in Gerontech Adoption amid the Pandemic etc. There is also a workshop “Keeping Elderly and People with Disabilities at Work with New Technology” which is closely related to commercial sector. All sessions will go online and are now open for registration, don’t miss them!
The GIES Expo will be held from 2-5 November (Wed to Sat) at Hall 1A-C of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. More than 170 exhibitors will be showcasing over 600 gerontech products and solutions. Various Thematic Pavilions are also available.
Entry is free and no reservation is needed to attend the Expo. The latest information about the event can be found on our website gies.hk/en/. For enquiries, please email at gies-registration@hkcss.org.hk or call 3705 5336. |
Social Needs Update
少數族裔無懼語言障礙 僱主發掘有能者 共融職場達致雙贏效果 (Chinese Only)
本港少數族裔人口持續上升,但因語言障礙、文化差異等,少數族裔較少或較難參與部分工種。然而,少數族裔本身有其優勢,向上流動的信念較強,企業應擴闊其工作機會,打破少數族裔只適合從事「3Ds」(Dirty, Demanding, Dangerous)工種的既定印象。
文章刊於《CSR Times Issue 30》
Upcoming Event
Sharing Session: How to engage with EM youths, the challenges and opportunities
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) initiate the Professional Traineeship Programme for the Ethnic Minorities to nurture a pool of EM young talents to become role models with upward mobility and create a positive impact in the community.
To promote social inclusion and create a friendly workplace for the EM, an online sharing session on “How to engage with EM youths, the challenges and opportunities” will be held on 13 Oct at 3:30pm. Register now and join us!
Market Information
Join "Work Orientation and Placement Scheme" and Receive an Allowance
An eligible employer will receive an allowance up to $60,000 for every employee with disabilities hired through the Selective Placement Division of the Labour Department under the Scheme.
Please click here to know more about our service or visit http://www.jobs.gov.hk/isps .
(Content provided by Selective Placement Division of the Labour Department)
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Room 1109, 11/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2864 2966 Fax: 2864 2991 Website: www.caringcompany.org.hk Email: caringcompany@hkcss.org.hk |