What’s New
Updates of The Caring Company Scheme 2022/23
The Caring Company Scheme Nomination 2022/23 has been closed on 11 November 2022. The 1st round of result notification to nominees will be sent to nominees via separate email by mid Jan 2023. Nominees and nominators could also check the nomination status via the Online Nomination System. The rest of the result will be ready in late Jan 2023.
Useful linkage: Online Nomination System | “Forgot Password & Enquiry Form” function
For enquiry, please contact us at: Tel: 2864 2966 WhatsApp: 6849 9385 Email: caringcompany@hkcss.org.hk
SE Directory – Match Your ‘Responsible Procurement’ Needs
Cost, quality and supplier’s reputation are usually the major consideration factors within the general procurement process. With the increasing awareness on social responsibility, many corporates start incorporating environmental and social elements into their procurement criteria, and to develop or adjust their responsible procurement policies. Such move may create social impact to every single consumption and enhance the social value of the corporates.
Supported and recognised by the HKSAR Government, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service complies the Social Enterprise Directory (SE Directory), to facilitate public access to the information of over 700 social enterprises (SEs) in Hong Kong. SE Directory has long been serving as an important reference material for advocating responsible consumption across government departments, public organisations, schools and corporations. SE’s wide-ranging business natures cater various procurement needs of corporates, such as Food and Beverage, Eco-Living, Home Service, Personal Care as well as Corporate Service and Business Support. Corporates may search for SEs through SE Directory online search engine and mobile app (iOS and Andorid), by choosing ‘Business Nature’, ‘Districts’ and ‘Social Mission’ or by entering keywords. For more details, please visit SE Directory website: https://socialenterprise.org.hk/en/sedb.
P.R.A.I.S.E. - EMployment Friendly Charter
With the support by the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) has launched P.R.A.I.S.E. (Project for Adaptation, Inclusion and Social Integration for Ethnic Minorities). In order to encourage and provide more internship and employment opportunities for ethnic minorities, HKCSS launched the EMployment Friendly Charter (the Charter) to mobilise the Government, business sector, public bodies, subvented and non-governmental organisations to further promote the employment of ethnic minorities through participation in the Campaign, thereby unleashing their potential, fostering social integration and building an inclusive society for all. For the details of Charter, please visit the website: https://praise.org.hk/charter-form.php
HKCSS sincerely invites interested employers to support and sign the Charter, and show your commitment and promote the employment of ethnic minority.
Social Needs Update
從「齡」開始 職場凝聚新力量(Chinese Only)
香港人口老化問題日益嚴重,當中的老年貧窮問題值得大眾關注,長者就業除了可以有助解決老年貧窮問題,更可以讓他們在工作中重拾社會認同感。2015年的電影《見習冇限耆》(The Intern) 中,70歲的Ben在一家網購公司擔任實習生。電影的情節溫馨搞笑,到底在現實當中,銀齡一族重投職場又是怎樣的一回事呢?
文章刊於《CSR Times Issue 30》
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Room 1109, 11/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2864 2966 Fax: 2864 2991 Website: www.caringcompany.org.hk Email: caringcompany@hkcss.org.hk |