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Caring Company Scheme 2023/24: Research Findings Release
Date of issue: 2024-05-16
In order to understand broadly about the views and expectations of different stakeholders towards Caring Company Scheme (the Scheme), we conducted a large-scale questionnaire survey in November 2023. We are pleased to receive valuable opinions from nearly 2,000 stakeholders about the Scheme’s future direction. The research findings were first publicly released during the “Caring Company Scheme 2023/24: Caring Connection cum Research Findings Release” event on 3 May 2024. You are welcome to click on the following links* for the research findings release and learn more about the future prospects of the Scheme.
Welcome Speech by HKCSS Chief Executive (00:05)│Research Findings Release (09:15)│Future Prospects of the Scheme (26:38)
*Medium of the video: Cantonese
Special thanks to the following organisations for supporting the Scheme and assisting us in promoting the research activities to their stakeholders:
(listed in no particular order) 01 Tech Limited, Business Environment Council, The ESG Consortium, ET Net, Junior Chamber International Dragon, Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile, and SME Sustainability Society.